I have mentioned the Andrado’s of Hambantota many times & thought you may be interested to hear a bit about Lyndsay -the eldest. He was I think born in 1921 & after a brief stint in the RAF in SL just after the war, became a surveyor. His dad (Patrick) was a great pal of the H’tota parish priest Fr Wicremesinghe who was a keen shooter known for killing many rogue elephants etc. Another friend of the pair was Aloy H Perera who was head of the Shell Film unit & made a film “JUNGLE THEMES “widely exhibited in the 40’s & 50’s. Lyn used to go shooting with these people & by the time I met him in 1950 familiar with much of the SL jungle especially Bagura etc then known as the YALA EAST INTERMEDIATE ZONE. Lyn was with Aloy when some of his films were made & one in particular was quite spectacular featuring a baby elephant that had fallen into a dry waterhole in Bagura—Aloy, Lyn etc built a ramp of cut branches to enable the baby to get out. I believe Shell took the originals of these films back to their head office when they quit SL & it would be worth checking on the current availability.
Lyn was stationed under canvas in many wild spots in the 40’s & 50’s & I had the good fortune to stay with him many times, to go shooting. He had access to tents etc & we were able to camp at Bagura because he had the necessary gear. And he knew the area to the extent of knowing where to hire carts for our first two Bagura trips when we had only one jeep. He was quite without fear & I once saw him charge an unruly wild buffalo with an open umbrella thus putting it to flight, Rgds Tony"
Andrado, Bagura Beach Nov 53.
from the Tony Peries Collection.